Monday, November 22, 2004


Today is the first anniversary of Misty's and my wedding. I gave her a couple dozen roses in shades of pink. I wanted to make her a boquet of origami roses since this was our paper anniversary, but the directions were unfortunately beyond my skill level.

We celebrated a couple days ago so that we'd have a babysitter available. Saturday night we dropped Emily off with Misty's mother and aunt, and we headed to Bombay Cafe for dinner. There was another couple seated near us who (despite their feble attempts to hide it) were clearly having an argument. It was amusing, but we were glad that they left soon after our arrival, as we didn't want their vibe to spoil our good mood.

As we dined, we commented on the fashion sense (or lack thereof) of various people our age walking by the windows. Misty claimed that based on the style of several of the women, she is no longer hip herself. I think that actually, she's just more mature — we're parents now, and that affects everything from how you spend your evenings to what you talk about at lunch to what you wear. Of course, I was never hip to begin with.

For dinner I ate sweet potato & onion silver dollar pancakes with soft shell crab and some sort of fish with vegetables and lobster tails. The food was delicious, and although we were amply filled even after our appetizers, we continuted to stuff ourselves. For dessert, we shared the Double Chocolate Nutball with Fresh Driscoll Strawberries (which Misty delighted in ordering just so that she could say Chocolate Nutball as many times as possible).

Following dinner, we went to the bargain theater (after Bombay Cafe, we couldn't afford a "real" movie theater). Misty let me pick the movie, and even though I knew she would have preferred "Harry Potter," I opted for "Spider-Man" because I suspected she would fall asleep — better to miss the movie she didn't want to see. I was right. Misty nodded off after about 20 minutes. She drifted in and out for the rest of the movie, continually insisting that she was watching, while at the same time, asking me to explain what was going on.

We finally made it home after midnight after picking up a zonked out Emily. It was a fun and romantic date.

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