Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Elf adventures: Half over or half begun?

As today is December 12, our elf's visit is at the halfway point (he travels back to the North Pole with Santa on Christmas eve).

So far, Eddie's adventures have included dumping out one of my Christmas Lego sets, drinking maple syrup, getting stuck in the ceiling fan, turning Misty's car around backwards in the garage, reading his "Elf on the Shelf" book to a group of toys, and making himself an elf-sized serving of cookies and milk.  Here's the photo gallery chronicling his activity.

Today, Eddie brought the girls a note from Santa encouraging them to continue to be good and warning of Eddie's mischievous nature.

Santa has a valid point.  Yesterday was probably Eddie's most elaborate prank yet, when he used yarn to create a system of elf zip lines through the kitchen, effectively tying up the cabinets, the chairs, and the refrigerator door.  The girls were very impressed, as they seem to derive more enjoyment from the more mess Eddie makes.  Also, the yarn made for a fun obstacle course in navigating the kitchen.

What will Eddie do next?  Only time will tell.

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